Broward College Receives $7.8 Million in Federal Grants for Student Support Services

Most new awards of any college or university in the nation

FORT LAUDERDALE, FL (September 14, 2020) – As new efforts emerge to aid students financially through the COVID-19 pandemic and eliminate barriers to success, the U.S. Department of Education has awarded Broward College six federal TRIO Student Support Services (SSS) grants totaling $7.8 million over five years. The College received the most new awards of any college or university in the United States during the grant competition.

The six grants will serve students in the following areas:

  • A. Hugh Adams Central Campus 
  • Judson A. Samuels South Campus 
  • North Campus 
  • Students with Disabilities
  • English Language Learners
  • Health Sciences Pathway

The SSS grants will fund projects that will aim to increase the retention and graduation rates of first-generation college students, low-income students, and students with a disability. Participants will receive various academic and social support services to help them transition to and succeed at Broward College. Among them, guidance and advising, tutoring and supplemental instruction, financial aid advising, financial and economic literacy counseling, and career and transfer advising.

The SSS grants will also provide financial subsidies for eligible students, including, but not limited to, paying for books, transportation, and industry certification fees. Each project will serve 140 students, except for the Students with Disabilities and Health Sciences, which are expected to serve between 100 and 120 students, respectively.

With classes and coursework being conducted remotely this fall at Broward College, the SSS projects are even more critical. The projects were designed similar to the College's successful Get REAL! Program that provides holistic support and services to students to motivate them towards the successful completion of their post-secondary education. 

"Broward College is proud to serve many students driven to overcome obstacles to achieving their academic goals," said Gregory Adam Haile, J.D., president, Broward College. "We are focused on creating an environment where all of our students can succeed regardless of their challenges. The Student Support Services projects incorporate highly successful 'best practice' strategies so that we can strengthen our holistic approach to alleviating the educational barriers and obstacles facing so many of our students."



Serving approximately 52,000 students annually, Broward College provides residents with certificate programs, two-year university-transfer degrees, two-year career degrees, and baccalaureate degrees in selected programs. The mission of the College is to provide high-quality educational programs and services that are affordable and accessible to a diverse community of learners. For more information, visit
