FORT LAUDERDALE, FLA. (May 5, 2023) -- Broward College will host its Spring 2023 commencement ceremony on Tuesday, May 9, at 1 p.m. at the Broward County Convention Center in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

More than 2,600 candidates are eligible to participate in the spring commencement ceremony. Among them, more than 1,300 Associate of Arts degrees, over 500 Associate of Science and Associate of Applied Science degrees, and almost 200 bachelor’s degrees. Graduates range in age from 16 to 72 years old.

Lisa Lutoff-Perlo, Vice Chairman of External Affairs for Royal Caribbean Group, will deliver this semester’s commencement speech. One of the few American women leading a multi-billion-dollar company, Lisa Lutoff-Perlo is a trailblazer in the global hospitality industry. As the first woman appointed to CEO of a brand in the Royal Caribbean Group, Lutoff-Perlo is recognized as the driving force behind transforming and re-defining today's new luxury cruise experience and building demand with the unparalleled brand vision and stewardship, award-winning guest service and operational expertise; and an innate ability for building high-performing, culturally inclusive teams, among others. She also actively lends her expertise to numerous international and regional nonprofit organization boards, including Best Buddies Global Board of Directors, United Way of Broward County and Nova Southeastern University, and Broward Center of Innovation.

The ceremony will also feature remarks from Broward College President Gregory Adam Haile, J.D., College Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Jeffrey Nasse, and Broward College Board of Trustees Chair Zachariah “Reggie” Zachariah.

The College will recognize one of its students who passed away tragically in December with a posthumous Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Science degree. Sebastian Moros was seven credits away from completion when he tragically died in December in a motorcycle accident. His parents and sister, who is also receiving her associate degree at the Spring 2023 Commencement Ceremony, will honor Sebastian by accepting the degree on his behalf at graduation.

Below are highlights of several notable May 2023 graduates:

Karin Jordan and Marina Bertrand

Karin Jordan and Marina Bertrand will graduate with Associate of Science in Nursing degrees. These sisters have been in-sync since birth. They are not exactly twins, but they find themselves presented with the question often enough. From birth to now, the sisters have faced the ups and downs of life, motherhood, and being second-time students as a team. Inspired by their own experiences in the healthcare field and their passion for helping others, the sisters set their sights on nursing. After a few years of balancing work as science lab technicians at Broward College, motherhood, and school, they are excited to embark on this new journey as healthcare professionals.

Herbert and Harryson Ferreira

Herbert and Harrison Ferreira, 17, will graduate with their Associate of Science in Engineering degrees. The identical twins are first-generation students, earning their associate degree before officially finishing high school in June. When the twins learned about College Academy, they knew it would be the perfect opportunity to secure the future their parents had hoped for them. They took courses together; they joined the Mentoring Society for College Academy together; worked multiple jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic to help pay their way through College together; and at the end of the day, they are graduating together, with GPAs of 3.8 and a perfect 4.0. They were both awarded full scholarships to Williams College in Massachusetts to study Software Engineering together. 

Philippe Kevin Lyberal

Philippe Kevin Lyberal, 23, will graduate with his Associate of Science in Mechanical Engineering. Philippe was born and raised in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, and as an international student, Philippe faced unique challenges. Philippe got involved with on-campus clubs and organizations, found scholarships, and used his knowledge of Math to get a job tutoring other students at the Academic Success Center. As Student Government Senator, Phi Theta Kappa Vice President of Fellowship, Vice President of the Seahawk Soccer Club, Ambassador of the Minority Male Initiative, Phi Theta Kappa All Florida Team, Jack Kent Cook Semifinalist, and a Peer Mentoring mentee, Philippe made the most of his time at the College. Philippe has been accepted to numerous universities and is contemplating his next move.

For more information about the commencement ceremony, please visit here.

- B.C. -


Serving approximately 52,000 students annually, Broward College provides residents with certificate programs, two-year university-transfer degrees, two-year career degrees, and baccalaureate degrees in selected programs. The mission of the College is to provide high-quality educational programs and services that are affordable and accessible to a wide variety of learners. For more information, visit

Commencement Commencement Speaker Associate Degree Bachelor Degree Community Broward College Students Broward College Leadership Spring 2023 Commencement