August 23, 2024
MEDIA CONTACT: Chris Guanche, M.S., 954-201-7514 |

DAVIE, Fla. – With more than 30,000 students across its campuses and centers, Broward College is getting the 2024-25 academic year off to an exciting start.

Sammy Seahawk group hotoOn the first day of class, returning students greeted old friends, while new students had the chance to interact with Sammy Seahawk for the first time. Free giveaways of College swag and snacks helped students ease into their first day. During the first week, Student Life hosted 12 exciting events that drew in more than 2,000 students as they made their way to and from class.

“We had a great first week of the fall term,” said Josef Tinsley, the interim campus director of student life at Broward College’s Central Campus. “Our students were very excited to be back, and they were engaged from the very first day. It’s going to be a great year – go Seahawks!”

During the first week, faculty and staff volunteered approximately 300 hours at “Ask Me” stations that welcomed new students and answered their questions.

“A huge shoutout to our incredible faculty and staff, who volunteered at our Ask Me stations, helping to welcome and guide our new students,” said Lauren Adamo, interim senior director of student engagement.

She said that the slate of activities continues during the second week of class with Student Life open houses, an interactive game show with cash prizes and convocation ceremonies on two campuses.

Students at Central CampusBroward College students are preparing for rewarding careers by completing one of the College’s eight degree pathways, including in high demand areas like nursing, public safety, education and aviation. The College has built partnerships that benefit students in a myriad of areas, including being the first community college in the nation to partner with JetBlue’s Gateway University, a pilot development program.

Earlier this year, Broward College was named as one of 20 national semifinalists for the prestigious 2025 Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence, which recognizes high achievement among community colleges. The 20 semifinalists were narrowed down from a pool of 150 community colleges. This is the second time the College was recognized by the Aspen Institute for its outstanding performance in six critical areas: teaching and learning, certificate and degree completion, transfer and bachelor’s attainment, workforce success, broad access to the college and its offerings, and equitable outcomes for students of color and students from low-income backgrounds.

Students weren’t the only ones making their way to our campuses getting ready for the fall 2024 term. Check out what Sammy Seahawk was up to!

These are just some of the reasons why our students are “BC Proud.”

- BC -


Serving approximately 52,000 students annually, Broward College provides residents with certificate programs, two-year university-transfer degrees, two-year career degrees, and baccalaureate degrees in selected programs. The mission of the College is to provide high-quality educational programs and services that are affordable and accessible to a diverse community of learners. For more information, visit
