Hurricane Season 2014

Sunday, June 1 begins the 2014 hurricane season, which extends through November 30. The health, safety and welfare of our faculty, staff and students are of utmost importance, and we want to assure you that Broward College is prepared for the hurricane season.

Broward College has a multi-layered approach to emergency communications and should a storm threaten the South Florida area, you can keep up-to-date on the College’s status through the BC Alert system and a variety of other sources.

BC Alert provides alerts on a variety of emergency situations. These are disseminated through telephone calls, text messages, social media platforms and emails. In order for the BC Alert system to be most effective, users should review their contact information and update it as necessary.

For faculty/staff:

  1. Login to the Broward College Workday
  2. Click on the “Personal Information” icon
  3. Click on the “Contact Information” link
  4. Click on “Edit”
  5. Update Home and Work information as necessary
  6. Click on “Submit” at the bottom of the page.

For students:

  1. Log into MyBC
  2. Bring cursor to the “Personal” tab and select “Change Address”
  3. Review and update as necessary
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Update.”

Other sites for information include the Broward College web site (, Workplace and through the use of several hotlines, including:

  • 954-201-6600
  • 954-201-4900
  • 954-779-2699

Additionally, the College’s campus safety general help line, 954-201-HELP (4357), will be updated with appropriate information as necessary.

Although South Florida has not been impacted by a storm in several years, it is important to remain prepared and informed as the season begins. Below you will find several websites that provide important information that will help us all prepare for the challenges that often arise during a storm:

Additionally, the following tips can further assist you with your hurricane preparedness planning:

  • According to the  American Red Cross , hurricane watches are issued when hurricane conditions are a threat within 48 hours and are delivered to encourage the public to prepare and get ready if conditions suddenly change. Hurricane warnings are issued when hurricane conditions are expected within 36 hours and encourage the completion of preparations and evacuation if directed to do so by authorities. During a hurricane watch or warning, Broward College will provide information about closures through the BC Alert system.
  • Gathering non-perishable supplies like batteries, flashlights, bottled water and easy to prepare foods throughout the year will help keep a hurricane supply kit stocked. The American Red Cross advises to have at least three days’ worth of food and water and a seven day supply of medication on hand in case of an emergency. To help the public prepare, the 2014 Sales Tax Holiday for Hurricane Supplies will run from May 31 through June 8, 2014.
  • Creating a family emergency plan will allow families the opportunity to decide who to contact in case of a crisis and where to go if an evacuation is needed. To alleviate stress and worry, designate an out-of-state relative or friend as the point of contact. Make sure family and friends know who to call and keep their number on hand to inform them of updates and important information. In addition, you should become familiar with evacuation areas and have a clear plan of where to meet if family members are separated after a storm.

We remain hopeful that South Florida is spared from storms this season, but we will be prepared should our service area be threatened. We will continuously monitor weather reports and share key information with you.


Serving approximately 52,000 students annually, Broward College provides residents with certificate programs, two-year university-transfer degrees, two-year career degrees, and baccalaureate degrees in selected programs. The mission of the College is to provide high-quality educational programs and services that are affordable and accessible to a wide variety of learners. For more information, visit