Broward College Offers Tips for Men’s Health

FORT LAUDERDALE, FL (June 4, 2014) – In recognition of National Men’s Health Month, which is observed in June, Broward College is raising awareness about the health challenges faced by men and boys by offering several tips to lead stronger, healthier, and longer lives. 

“One of the most important steps a man can take toward protecting themselves is to schedule routine check-ups and preventative screenings,” said Brenda Bordogna, Broward College’s wellness manager. These include exams for high blood pressure; cholesterol for men 35 or older; colorectal cancer beginning at age 50 or earlier, if there is a family history; and prostate cancer, the most common cancer among men. In addition, Bordogna also suggests learning how to perform monthly testicular exams.

A man’s risk of heart disease begins to rise greatly starting at age 45. To lower the risk, managing stress, making physical activity a habit, choosing healthy food and controlling portion sizes, and maintaining a healthy weight is vital. However, men also need to be aware of their alcohol intake, because too much can lead to not only high blood pressure and various cancers, but psychological problems and unnecessary accidents, which account for one of every four people treated in the emergency room.

“When evaluating healthy habits, the focus should also be based on sensible behaviors that promote health,” said Sandra Stauffer, associate dean of nursing on the Judson A. Samuels South Campus. “Some of these behaviors can be quite obvious, but it is rare that we acknowledge how important it is to wear protective gear when spraying insecticide on the lawn or to use caution when cleaning the gutters.” When working outside of the home, always wear slip resistant shoes and watch for cords, which can be a tripping hazard, as well as be careful with ladders and power equipment. To avoid poisoning, avoid mixing chemicals that can cause a reaction, install a carbon monoxide alarm in the home and never “recycle” chemical bottles or containers to store food or beverages.

Finally, cigarettes and chewing tobacco have been linked to many causes of death, such as lung disease, cancer and stroke, but 21 percent of adult men still smoke. As for the popular E-cigarettes on the market, according to Bordogna, they aren’t good alternatives. “They still contain the addictive drug nicotine and chemical solvents, so quitting is your best option.”
For more information contact Brenda Bordogna at 954-201-7234, or Sandra Stauffer at 954-201-8012,


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