Broward College Offers Tips to Prevent Heat-Related Car Deaths

FORT LAUDERDALE, FL (July 10, 2014) – During the summer months, the risk of heat-related deaths and injuries in children being left in a car increase. In 10 short minutes, the temperature inside of a vehicle can rise 20 degrees or more, and in South Florida, it is especially important to recognize the potential risks and ramifications. Broward College’s Associate Dean of the Institute of Public Safety Ken Shives is offering several helpful and preventative tips to avoid these tragic situations.

  • Never leave your child alone in a car, not even for a minute to run a quick errand.
  • Keep something that you need, such as your purse, wallet, lunch or even one of your shoes, in the back seat with the child so that you must check the backseat before you walk away from the car.
  • Be especially careful to check for sleeping infants. If they are not making any sounds, you may not realize they are in the car with you, so always keep a toy or stuffed animal in your child's car seat. When you place the child in the car seat, put that toy or stuff animal in the front seat with you to remind you that your child is in the car.
  • Plan with your child's summer camp, day care provider or school. Have them call you if your child does not show up to school that day, within 20-30 minutes of normal arrival time.
  • Make sure that your children understand that your vehicle is not a place to play and lock all vehicle doors and trunks even when you are at home. Keep your keys out of your child's reach. If your child is missing, check your vehicle immediately to see if he or she is inside it.

For additional information, contact Ken Shives at 954-201-6801 or



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