Spend Spring Break in Peru

Applications for the Faculty-Led Study Abroad Program in Peru-Spring Break 2015 are now being accepted. Student will travel with faculty leaders Dr. Michael Harvey and Dr. David Serrano, and experience hands-on education as you explore the Neotropical fauna, culture of Amazonian Indians, and Neotropical ecosystems in the Amazon Basin of Peru, while completing coursework in Zoology/Lab, Ecology, and/or Directed Independent Research.

Peru Students

  • This program is open to ALL degree-seeking Broward College and College Academy students with a 2.5 GPA or higher and community members of at least 18 years of age.
  • Qualifying students can apply for the Short-Term Study Abroad Scholarship to help cover program costs.
  • The application deadline is November 15, 2014.
  • Earn academic credit while experiencing a new culture. For more information, visit the program webpage at http://broward.edu/international/studyabroad/Pages/Peru-Study-Abroad.aspx or email us at abroad@broward.edu.
Peru Student