Broward College Offers the Gift of Giving with Holiday Charity Events

FORT LAUDERDALE, FL (Dec. 2, 2014) – Broward College is offering several opportunities to give this holiday season with a variety of charitable activities, including food and toy drives, as well as family-friendly events. All activities and events are open to the public and donations are welcome. 

Toys for Tots Holiday Toy Drive

Through Thursday, Dec. 4, Judson A. Samuels South Campus. Building 68, Room 265

South Campus Student Government is collecting new and unwrapped toys for Toys for Tots, which distributes toys to children ages 1-12 whose parents cannot afford to buy them gifts during the holiday season. For a full list of South Campus drop-off locations or more information, contact Stephanie Ruddock at 954-201-8941.

Angel Tree

Through Wednesday, Dec. 10 at Willis Holcombe Center Bldg. 33, Rm. 1110 and A. Hugh Adams Central Campus Bldg. 19, Rm. 106

Broward College Central Campus Student Life and the Office of Volunteering and Leadership are collecting donations of new toys for the Angel Tree program, which will provide gifts to underprivileged children during the holiday season. For more information, contact 954-201-6756 or

CAN-tastic Food Drive

Through Wednesday, Dec. 10 at Willis Holcombe Center, Bldg. 33 Room 221 and A. Hugh Adams Central Campus, Bldg. 19, Rm. 106

Canned food donations are being accepted for the CAN-tastic food drive, which benefits the Hope Center in Davie. For more information, contact 954-201-6263.

Holiday Book Drive

Through Friday December 12, Judson A. Samuels South Campus, Bldg. 68 Room 253

Broward College South Campus’ Alpha Delta Rho Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa is collecting books for children ages 1-18 in partnership with Orange Island Arts Foundation for the Center for Family Services of Palm Beach County, a non-profit that helps children who are victims of sexual abuse now living in the foster care system. For more information, contact 954-201-8009.

Festival of the Trees

Friday December 12 7PM – 9PM Willis Holcombe Center, Bldg. 33, Rm. 1110

The Festival of Trees is a charitable event that benefits foster children during the holiday season with all proceeds benefiting the Children’s Home Society of Florida. Organized by Broward College’s chapter of the American Institute of Architecture Students, this event will feature beautifully decorated cardboard trees created by Broward College students, faculty and staff, which will be auctioned off during the festival. Along with the tree exhibit, there will also be a live demonstration of tree-decorating techniques and an opportunity for children to assemble and decorate trees to take home. For more information, contact Felix Lorenzo at 954-201-7513.

Toys for Tots Holiday Toy Drive

Through Dec. 12 North Campus, Bldg. 46

Broward College’s North Campus is collecting new and unwrapped toys for Toys for Tots, which distributes toys to children ages 1-12 whose parents cannot afford to buy them gifts during the holiday season. For more information, contact Joseph Pickering at 954-201-2009 or

Shoe Drive for Nike Reuse-A-Shoe Program

Ongoing at Willis Holcombe Center, Bldg. 33 Room 221 and A. Hugh Adams Central Campus, Bldg. 19, Room 106

Broward College is collecting shoes to recycle for Nike’s Reuse-A-Shoe program. Rubber from the shoes is either stripped, sanitized and turned into mulch for playgrounds or used to create athletic surfaces, such as tennis and basketball courts, running tracks and athletic fields. For more information, contact 954-201-6263.

For more information, contact Angela Nicoletti at 954-201-7939 or



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